30 Seconds



Am dressed in white, underneath the dress are installed Christmas lights connected on to a movement sensor, with a 3 meters cable covered in leather. The lights only switch on when someone passes by close to me.

Am in a circular continuous movement, steps are small, short and slow, given in a physical, equanimous emotional state.

The performance takes place in a dark passageway of low visibility. The moment someone goes by close to me, the lights go on due to the sensor. This is an epiphany-like moment, an awakening, which starts a dance with this person where I willingly open and project all my unconditional love and compassion; at the same time the lights turn on and project over this person. The dance takes 30 seconds until the lights turn off, I gently finish the relation and return to the equanimous circle.



30 seconds of Life, 30 Seconds of Light is a performance about free, detached, unconditional love.


Performance integrated in ZOOM show by Sofia Neuparth

Teatro Maria Matos 2001

30 Seconds


Dress in Drakalon; lights ; sensor covered in leather

Teatro Maria Matos –‘Zoom’ performance by Sofia Neuparth

© 2014 Isabel Correia