This is just another beginning



The Ritual starts at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. A white body scrawls slowly on the ground of rolling stones until it gets to a crater, goes inside and covers up its body in stones. Exclusively focused on breathing, its body emerges at sunset, after a    3-hour-long immersion in the expansion of the mind.


This was a Ritual of Passage, a catharsis in immobility, in silence and almost in a shouting absence of invisibility.

‘Rites of passage are rites of dying. In a rite of passage something is extinguished, something becomes extinct, if not you yourself, in your bodily being. (…) the identity is no longer your own. You have entered a liminal period from which you emerge transformed.’


Stephen Greenblatt in ‘Rites of Passage’


E.S.A.D Caldas da Rainha 1999

© 2014 Isabel Correia