Whole Hole


The body as the place to be inhabited, to become a dwelling place of the other, another being, another entity in a continuous emptiness of himself, becoming a vague whole.


Inhabit    temporary feeling of a place

Place      site in continuous circumscription

Body       immanent field of transcendence


The construction process of these dwellings undergoes a dispossession of one’s body that gives place to an inorganic envelope inhabited by the abyss, the ‘unpresence’ that permeates the whole space.

During the exhibition the visitor would walk with a stethoscope in his ears and the sensor would touch parts of his body, the heart, the lungs, the organs or even just the skin.

The sound made by the stethoscope creates a sound space somewhere between the physical boundary of our body and the undefined inner side of the being. The quality of the inner sound clearly shows the ambiguity of the inner bodily being.


Solo Exhibition

Water Museum - Reservatório da Patriarcal 2000

Whole Hole



Medidas aproximadas: 300 x 65 cm

Whole Hole



Aproximate size: 300 cm x 65 cm

Whole Hole



Aproximate size: 150 x 65 cm

Whole Hole



Aproximate size: 150 x 65 cm

Whole Hole



Aproximate size 60 cm  x 15 cm

During the exhibition the visitor would walk with a stethoscope in his ears and the sensor would touch parts of his body, the heart, the lungs, the organs or even just the skin.

© 2014 Isabel Correia